Looking for personal grooming advice ?

It's interesting how many people think grooming a dog is easy let alone creative dog grooming, it isn't!

Do you want to improve your skill with a personal one on one lesson? Have your questions answered about creative and every day grooming?

If you do, then this option will be perfect for you!

It will help you get the confidence to bring your creative grooming ideas to life. Have all your questions answered about creative and every day grooming, and improve your skill with a personal one on one lesson.

Personal one on one lessons are a great way to improve your skills. They can be done in person or online, and you can get the help you're looking for, focusing on your specific needs. Erin is in the grooming industry since 2004 and has been doing creative grooming since 2009. She also has a few grooming competitions under her belt. A personal lesson will get you the information that you need for your every day grooming and creative dog grooming. 


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